Watch out, Mr. Lopart

Play Watch out, Mr. Lopart game, and help Mr. Lopart deliver the packages to the mailbox. Clean all the obstacles in his way, to prevent him from falling!

Handy Manny: Watch out, Mr. Lopart | NuMuKi
Play Handy Manny: Watch out, Mr. Lopart | NuMuKi
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About Watch out, Mr. Lopart Game

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Mr. Lopart is a very busy man. All day long, he has something to do. Today he needs to put some packages in the mailbox, but they are too many, and he does not see anything in front of him. He could use your help in the Watch out, Mr. Lopart game. Be a good neighbor, and help Mr. Lopart deliver his boxes safely.

On the road, there are water splashes, banana peels, and sleeping dogs. If Mr. Lopart falls for three times, the game will be over, and you need to start it again.

How to Play

To help him deliver the packages, use the broom to clean the banana peels, the mop to get rid of the water, and the dog treats to wake up the dogs.

You need to pass three levels to get to the mailbox. In each level, Mr. Lopart will walk faster than in the previous level, and you have to move quickly to clean his road.  Do not let him drop the packages. Be careful at the stairs. Mr. Lopez is not able to see them, but he will climb on the stairs is they appear on the way. Make sure the stairs stay clean as well. 

If you help him, he will be happy, and he will thank you for what you did. Who knows, maybe it will be fun to help the others around you, and if you start to do it with Mr. Lopart, you will see that you will feel good too.

Good luck!