Locust Pocus

The Amphibia: Locust Pocus game presents the consequences of not listening to the adults. Help Anne and Sprig fix the disaster and repair the city!

Amphibia: Locust Pocus | NuMuKi
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About Locust Pocus Game

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The annual Locust Swarm is approaching, and you must protect Wartwood! Set the necessary traps in the Amphibia: Locust Pocus game before it is too late. Just as Hop Pop thought, the kids completely ignored his request, so the town was invaded. Now you have to make up to the citizens for the disaster.

Because of Anne’s forgetfulness, her elder got locked up in the Cage of Shame. And even if she will not admit it was her fault from the start, she is willing to solve everything. Help everyone recover the items they lost and restore their houses to set Hop Pop free!

Lying is never good for you!

This is the reason Hop Pop was imprisoned, and Anne and Sprig are working on setting him free. To move your characters through the swamp, you can use the W, A, S, D buttons, or the Left, Right, Up, and Down arrow keys. If it is easier for you, you can also use the mouse by clicking on the desired destination. The Spacebar is multifunctional, as it triggers attacks, skips dialogue, and sends Sprig to look around.

The most impressive attack move you can use is by hitting E, which takes out Anne’s tennis racket and makes her spin. When it comes to enemies, you have quite a lot of them in the swamp. They range from simple carnivorous plants which do not strike or move, to many locusts, and huge beetles! Nothing will attack unless you get closer to the creatures.

Another great enemy of the kids’ is the Heron. If you stay too much in one place, you will notice a great shadow forming below you. This is the sign of the bird, who will either bite or stomp on you. Make sure to avoid this at all costs, as it takes a whole heart out of four. It can’t hurt you when you are in a cave or under a tree, though.

Search every dark corner of the swamp!

At the bottom of the screen, you can see the list of items that you need to collect. To search for them all, follow the yellow arrows, which take you deeper into the wetland. Sprig is very good at digging, so you can send him to search the little dirt areas.

When killing an enemy, you usually receive some reward. These rewards can also be extracted from bags, mushrooms, bushes, wooden boxes, and barrels if you destroy them. They offer coins, beetle jerky(used to heal Anne), and many other collectibles that the citizens need.

The swamp changes every time you return to it. This means all the items are also restored, so you can go back and forth from an area to another and get everything you need! Hearts also regenerate after each task you finish. Moreover, you can jump on water lilies if there is no other way to explore the place. 

After you are done satisfying everyone’s needs, you can go back to Mayor Toadstool, who will ultimately free Hop Pop. Maybe you learned that you should listen to your elders and remember to set up the snake traps for the Spider Viper Invasion next!